Friday, October 14, 2011

The Action Hero’s Handbook

Every time I pick up another book it reminds me of how diverse the interests are in the NYU RAs.  A fun, quick read today in The Action Hero’s Handbook by David and Joe Borgenicht.  Ever want to be like James Bond, Spiderman, Clark Kent?  Well here is your chance!  The authors present dozens of “real-life” action hero responses to “tight situations” that one may be in at some point in their life… really?  Well yeah, if you want to be a superhero!  The book is separated into five sections, so you can just choose the section you might want to learn about, or like me, read the entire book!  It breaks down as follows: good guy skills (how to spy proof your hotel room and how to take a bullet); love skills, I like this one (how to stop a wedding and how to pick up someone at a bar); paranormal skills (how to fend off a ghost and how to perform the Jedi mind trick); fighting skills (how to disarm a thug with a gun and how to take a hit with a chair); and finally escape skills (how to make a clean getaway and how to navigate through a ventilation shaft).  My favorite, because heck maybe someday I want to be a superhero, was How to Crash Through a Window.  As a wanna-be actor, always thought it would be cool to jump through the window and save that lady at the end of the day!  Each suggested technique was researched and an actual expert in the industry assisted in providing the point by point technique.  For some skills there were pictures and point by point explanations.  A fun read that probably reads best while sitting on the throne in the am.  Light hearted and would make a great stocking stuffer, for those who celebrate Christmas, but at $14.95, visit because I think you will be able to get a good conditioned book pretty cheaply.  

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