Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-62

For those who love the historical war books, this one is for you: A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-62 by Alistair Horne.  The Algerian war lasted 8+ years and through this blood bath over a million Algerian Muslims were killed. Six French governments fell from power during the reign of terror.  This was a war for the declaration of freedom of Algeria from French governmental rule.  The war began shortly after World War II ended.  A weakened French army defends its position as the ruler of its “declared French state” (Algeria) and fights to the finish by using torture and murder by battling the FLN (The National Liberation Front).  The war involved a large number of rival movement groups which fought against each other at different moments and against the French.  The book presents the leadership’s perspective, especially the French General Charles de Gaulle and how he changed his approach along the rocky road to the point of giving up Algeria back to its people.  There are in-depth descriptions of the military undertakings to the point of the independence of Algeria.  For those who like the turnings of the people and the leadership undergoing a civil war, this book will provide everything you’d like and more.  For me, this was a LONG read introducing many pro-independence individuals, and those for keeping Algeria a captive of the “motherland,” France.  The brutality of the murders is pretty graphic and present a horrible state of terrorism to fight against France.  The author does a nice job of balancing perspectives and sharing the thoughts (from primary sources), statements, and quotes from the various players during the war.  Again, those with a liking towards historical readings, this will be a huge read for you…. for me, not really my cup of tea.  I’d say take a pass, or else be ready for a really long read!

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