Saturday, May 28, 2016

A Little Princess

A reading frenzy at the lake with my Mom while vacationing!  Finished another kid’s favorite book, A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett.  Well, if you have read one princess book, i.e. Cinderella, you probably have read them all.  OK, I’m not a huge princess story fan.  The story here, a young girl (Sara) is born into a rich household, mother dies while she is young, Dad brings her to a boarding home while dad travels.  While away, he loses his fortune, dies and word comes back to the boarding home.  The owner, who has fronted the bills, realizes that there is no money coming back to her, so she treats Sara worse than hired help.  Making her live in the attic, doing chores, not feeding her, you get the picture.  The problem with this story is the extraordinary measures that brings Sara back to fortune.  I won’t ruin it for you, but it isn’t the best rags to riches story out there, for sure.  Go watch Cinderella, a better story.  And yeah, all bad keepers of the young princess are pretty much all the same.  Off to read another book…. 

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