Monday, December 19, 2016

The Book Without Words (extra book)

It is now pretty common that when I interact with RAs across campus, they have a new favorite book to add to my reading list.  I try and read them when time allows.  Since I have caught up on this year’s list, I started the second tier of favorites.  I thoroughly enjoyed the latest, The Book Without Words, which is a medieval fable by Avi.  The fable tells the tale of Thorston, an alchemist, who is seeking to discover the secret formula for immortality.  Over the years he has made concoctions through trial and error and has finally found the right formula.  He found the answer in the Book Without Words, which he had stolen years prior from Brother Wilfred.  The book can only be read by people with green eyes!  Thorston finally has the means to read it and as documented in the book, he has made four stones, which he must eat in order.  In the midst of his discovery, Thorston’s servant, Sybil, a thirteen year-old girl, and Odo, his treasured pet raven, which he magically changed from being a goat, are the only two that could stop him from living forever.  It is through him living, that they will die.  It is a pretty quick read with some great messages on how we should focus on living our life, rather than planning to live forever.  Highly recommend.    

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