Sunday, April 21, 2019

An Illustrated Treasury of African American Read-Aloud Stories

An Illustrated Treasury of African American Read-Aloud Stories
by Susan Kantor

Started reading the 2019-20 RAs favorite books.  It’s Easter Sunday here in Lake George.  I sat outside this morning and finished the edited stories of Susan Kantor in An Illustrated Treasury of African American Read-Aloud Stories. The book contains myths and fables; fairy tales; folk tales, friends and helpers, hawk and chicken tales, rabbit stories, biographies, stories on slavery, and a section on African-American songs.  The book was a set of inspiring stories for the RA who met with me.  She really picked a great one, especially for the youth who need to learn more about the diversity of heritages in the US.  The biographies of Arthur Ashe, Ray Charles, and Sojourner Truth in addition to the stories from Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglas give such depth of life lessons for the readers.  The myths and fables are very much in the line of Aesop’s tales.  For anyone with a young child, niece/nephew or grandchild, it would certainly be a great birthday present.  The last part contains songs from African-American lore, songs I remember from growing up: This Little Light of Mine, Kum Ba Ya, Miss Mary Mack, and He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.  Add it to your gift list!

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