Thursday, May 30, 2019

The One

The One
by Vicky Jones

Always fun to meet with Tisch students as they do love plays (rather than books), so my read of the day was The One by Vicky Jones.  The play is set in a 12-hour period with three characters, Harry and Jo, who are romantically connected, and Kerry, their friend.  During the time that Jo’s sister is in labor, she and Harry are engaged in sex before they are interrupted by Kerry knocking on the door.  The couple engages in a destructive game, playing on Kerri’s gullibility, leading her to believe that Jo was just raped by her boyfriend.  The lust/toxic relationship and verbal engagement leading to physical violence between the two with the overtone of being ‘playful’ didn’t play well for me.  The relationship was bothersome, bordering on being abusive both ways.  While the play was a “Verity Bargate” Award-winning play, I didn’t find the humor or level of depth to lead me to embrace the characters or the story line.  Maybe I’m getting too old?  Maybe not.  I was not moved by this one, sorry.

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