Thursday, July 29, 2010

Shoal of Time

Well an interesting read for sure, but felt like it was a high school mandatory history course read, either that or a college course, Shoal of Time: History of the Hawaiian Islands.  Who would say this was their favorite book, let alone 2 people said it???  It began with Capt Cooke and his death and being eaten, then to venereal disease brought by sailors to the natives, to the plantation farms (sugar and more), annexation, the missionaries come to Hawaii, political battles, unions, more politics, racism, ethnic segregation, the war, hating the Japanese, and then statehood.  Now you have read the book!  For history buffs, an interesting read.  For those who like fiction, kind of boring linear view of Hawaii.  Wish they went more into the customs and heritage of the people.  Missed a lot of interesting things I’m sure.  Always wonder in a book like this how does the author know what to put in, what not to put in?  I’d say he missed a lot of good tidbits about the Polynesian culture.  At the end wasn’t sure what the through line was for this historical read.  I wouldn’t put on your top ten books to read.  If you need restroom reading, it may be ok… not that I’m into that.  Hope all are enjoying the summer days.  They are going too fast.  Also have a second dog now!  Oh no.  My mother-in-law is not able to have her dog any longer.  More details in future posts.  Maybe I should read a dog book?  Sorry, not on the list!

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