Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Wow.  Just finished a great read!  An updated version of Catcher in the Rye by Salinger… The Perks of Being a Wallflower,by Stephen Chbosky.  The 1990’s version of what it is like being an adolescent in Anytown, USA.  The story is a series of letters written by the Narrator (Charlie) from the beginning to the end of his freshman year.  The issues of sex, mental illness, drugs, and being different in a world that says “acclimate now or else” are all addressed from the view of a 14 year old.  What a GREAT read.  Thank you RAs for suggesting this one.  Perfect timing when I think of the transition phase that the students I work with at NYU are going through as freshmen.  I felt sad for Charlie, I was proud of him, I envied his naiveté, I was frustrated by him, and I really liked him all in one read.  If you ever had or will have a son, read this book.  You will never forget how hard it is to enter this difficult cultural change… HIGH SCHOOL.   Charlie finds friendship when you think it isn’t possible but he also learns how vulnerable you can be in speaking your mind, or not knowing how or what to say.  Charlie exists in all of us.  The author’s brilliant approach of using the “letter writing” to someone – (who is he sending these letters to?, not that it really matters) – the therapeutic exercise of writing reminds us all how important reflection is in our life.  A must read especially for parents, heck for anyone who is about to experience transition.

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