Saturday, October 23, 2010

Skinny Bitch

Sometimes the title of a book can really work and sometimes not so much.  Skinny Bitch – the no-nonsense, tough-love, tell-all, “be this way woman and DON’T COMPLAIN!” is really a cover for let’s go VEGAN.  It actually is a helpful read on how to eat well but I think the “over-the top” language with “F-bombs” and degrading the reader as moronic 17 year old rich girls is too much.  Written in 2005 by two women authors attempting to be funny and educate the reader on the meat world ruining our nation with lots of data and misinterpreted data sets by government and the lobbyist of the world.  The book made me re-think my eating for today, I didn’t eat that gob of cheese at the President’s Reception for Parent’s Day, so heck, it had some impact!  This is a quick read with some very helpful hints on diets and great websites to make your decisions on what you want to eat and why you would want to do so.  I’m not a fan of the preachy vegan way, but hey, we all should hear it at one time or another.  The sarcasm really took away from the book.  The author’s view that anyone fat is stupid because we eat gooey cattle that were left in trails of cockroaches because the FDA doesn’t care was just as bad as the cow industry’s lobbying for more funds to create another “Got Milk” poster with the white mustache above your lip.  Book had some good information, but the writers ruined it for me with their arrogant attitude that portrayed everyone but them having a brain.  I’m sure there are better books out there teaching you about veganism.  Take a pass, though this one was a Best Selling Book.  It certainly will make everyone go out and start swearing about whatever they want to teach others about.  

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