Hope all enjoyed the Thanksgiving festivities. We had a good time eating and cooking. I also had time to finish 1931 (a good year, huh?) out of 5300 runners in the Troy Turkey Trot! Not bad. A good day to recover and read The Art of Possibility by a husband and wife team, Benjamin and Rosamund Zander (stream of consciousness… I had a kid named Zander on my LL team for a few years). Back to the read… well some pretty nice nuggets on how to deal with others and think before acting, but overall disappointing. This is a classic self-help book written by a conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and his wife, Rosamund, who serves as a psychotherapist. When I read the starfish story (if you don’t remember it, here you go: http://muttcats.com/starfish.htm) as a lead into a chapter, I know that I may have read the best part of the book already. Very simplistic concepts that we should all employ. Spend time talking to a wise old man or woman on a park bench and you’ve read this one…. Save the $3.00 and get a latte from Starbucks. A pass….
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