A novel that follows the life of a middle-aged guy, Frank Bascombe, a divorced father working as a Realtor. The book is Independence Day by Richard Ford. I listened to this one on the ipod. The realtor part of the story was pretty interesting for me as my Dad continues his 55th year as a realtor. So I was really intrigued by his approach to the crazy families he dealt with especially the couple that he showed over 45 homes to over a month long period, and they still were unsure to purchase. Would my Dad try Frank’s approach, blow them off after they find the home they want to move on (as a ploy to have them bid on it… but they lose the house!)? Frank’s three day struggle (yes the novel occurs over a three day period) on his role as a father to two children (his oldest died years before), reviewing his current relationship with his ex-wife and also a new flame, and how he deals with clients (renters and potential purchasers of homes). Frank seems to be going through his “midlife crisis.” Frank takes his son, who has lots of emotional issues, away on the ultimate father/son trip to the Hall of Fame. Unfortunately for Frank, his son decides to stand in front of a fastball in the advanced batting cage… you know how this goes, huh? So what did I think about a guy who seems not to have a lot going for himself, especially when he reflects on the successes of his ex-wife and her new husband, the son who he lost and the second son who is lost, and a role that is unsteady and hard to close the deal? The story happens over Independence Day, but… I think the story “Independence Day” actually reflects Frank’s decisions to be made which may lead to his Independence. A strong character development by Ford though the ending was hohum… really that’s how it ended… seemed that something else should occur.. left hanging? The real estate piece really drew me in. If not a real estate person, you may take a pass on this Pulitzer Price winner!! Wow.
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