Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goodnight Moon

Imagine being a child again?  What a wonderful time in life to cultivate your imagination and allow your innocence to be a major part of who you are.  So it happens in the well-known children’s book Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown.  I remember this book and reading it often to my two boys when they were just 2-years old.  Why did I read it so often? Besides being a great read, (I’ll be honest here) it was a very quick read.  After working full days, a short read like this one was perfect!  But more than that, it opened one’s heart and soul to being young again. The text is written in a rhyming format.  A bedroom full of wonderful objects that a young bunny sees as he says goodnight to all of those objects, seemingly one at a time.  This helps the youngster listening to the story start to put closure to the day, one object at a time, such as the red balloon, the bunny's dollhouse, and the kittens.  The pictures on each page give great detail into the room and as the pages turn, the room gets darker and darker hopefully allowing the young listener to this story have their eyes grow tired and more tired until we say “goodnight moon”… and off to sleep goes our youngster, or do they?  The one problem with this story is you may need to read it three or four times before getting that first baby snore (at least that’s the way it was for me!).  Every child should hear this story at least once, and potentially a lot more based on the amount of activities the child was involved in that particular day.  

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