Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Promise of a Pencil

I series of strange “coincidences” occurred recently… first, at the ACUHO-I conference last week, I had the opportunity to witness the opening keynote, Adam Braun, discuss his “for-purpose” organization, The Promise of a Pencil.  The organization was his brain-child after a few years working at Bain Consulting.  He gave it all up to follow his dreams of starting schools for children in impoverished countries around the globe.  So a coincidence when I returned and the first RA I met with shared that their favorite book was, The Promise of a Pencil by Adam Braun?  Then in the midst of reading the book, my son called me reminding me of attending a Justin Bieber concert, when I picked the book up, Braun describes how his brother, now a promoter, found this great new 13 year-old talent named….. Justin Bieber.  I haven’t found the third coincidence yet, but I’ll keep looking.  The book itself is a motivating read that outlines a 25 year old who gives up financial security to live his dream, giving purpose to his life and helping others.  Braun’s story of his brief life is captured in thirty “mantras” on how to live big.   He draws upon stories to illustrate his point, weaving in his commitment to his family and friends.  If you don’t get motivated by how he approaches living his dream, what book are you reading?  In addition to the lessons learned, the reader can think about getting involved in the “P of P” movement and help to build a school.  Braun was great live, and having his stories told in more robust fashion was a great follow-up for me.  I highly encourage all college students to pick this one up.  I find way too many young people unsure of living the dream vs. making money.  Read this one, anything is possible.  Braun’s mantras are sensible and easy to understand.  I love his energy, commitment, and ability to dream big!  Get this book….

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