Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

Emotional Intelligence 2.0
by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves

Another fun and informative read in Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry.  Always good to learn some skills that can help you manage your initial emotionally-charged reactions. A great reminder that we can control many of our guttural responses to the environment... and to others we live and work among.  The book starts with a ‘test’ to rate your emotional intelligence, which you get to do again at the end of the book.  Bradberry provides an introductory story of a surfer who has to respond to a potential shark attack as he is out to ride the waves.  It is through managing his emotions that he escapes without injury.  This serves as our guide to handling our emotions in any given situation.  Through self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management, we can become more successful in our relationships AND be healthier.  He provides fifteen self-awareness strategies:

Quit treating your feelings as good or bad

Observe the ripple effect from your emotions

Lean into your discomfort

Feel your emotions physically

Know who and what pushes your buttons

Watch yourself like a hawk

Keep a journal about your emotions

Don’t be fooled by a bad mood

Don’t be fooled by a good mood, either

Stop and ask yourself why you do things you do

Visit your values

Check yourself

Spot your emotions in books, movies, and music

Seek feedback

Get to know yourself under stress

OK, so look this list over. Is there anything that would make you not think this is great practice?  It’s a great reminder that we can be better IF we really want to be better in our relationships with others.  Excellent read.  Pick it up!

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