Tuesday, October 8, 2013

This Book Will CHANGE Your Life

One of those niche books, I guess you could call it a “self-help” books of sorts, called This Book Will CHANGE Your Life by the two authors who combined their names to be called “Benrik.”  The book challenges the reader that if you follow the suggestions in this book for 365 days, with a new suggestion every day, your life will change (either being in jail, winning a million dollars, finding the new person of your dreams, etc.).  Well... I guess some of that could be possible but this is what was fondly known as a “bathroom book.”  That means people might read it and be humored while in the bathroom.  I left four or five times during the course of this book.  Luckily, I was able to start and finish this book while flying to Columbus for ACUHO-I business.  Why lucky?  I could leave the book on the plane for the next bored flyer.  This book will NOT change your life.  In fact, if you can make it through it, your life should be changed!  Why am I being so harsh?  Well, let me give a couple of the ways you can change your life after reading and doing what the book suggests: count how many farts you do during a day? Hmmm. Yes, that will change my life.  Plan out every ten minutes over a given day – boring!, Go to a plastic surgeon to see how much it would cost to re-do your face – ho-hum, throw an apple core in a park and come back in twenty years to see an apple tree – is it that easy? Let a hair on your body grow six feet long, really? Tattoo a banana and display it in your window.  Watch a movie that starts with the letter F, test the foot you get out of bed on (left or right)- WOW a two day test!, make a snowball and take it out of the freezer and hit a friend. Go to the zoo and FEED the animals, remember Lady Di with a moment of silence (very sad sense of humor), and try food that scares you (your dead dog... really???) … I’m not making these up!  OK, maybe, maybe there were 10 suggestions that were real and smart to do – get a life coach, tell your parents you love them, write a letter to someone from your past and re-connect.  The problem with this book is that the humor they try to offer then every once in a while comes a good suggestion.  I love the concept, but it was just plain SILLY!  The title is seriously misleading.  IF this was to be a funny book, stay with that throughout.  The worst piece of news on this book is that there is a second volume!!! OH NO.  Well, to be honest the worst piece of news on this book is that it cost $22, and I paid it!  I wonder if they will take it back.  Hey if anyone wants to purchase for $1, it’s yours.  Or maybe I’ll just follow day 242 suggestion, write in my left hand or sdrawkcab gnihtyreve etirw (write everything backwards).  Maybe I need to lighten up a bit?  Or maybe I just need to have my life changed by doing what this book suggests?  Only if the RA who suggested it does too! J

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