Tuesday, June 5, 2018


by Joseph Spece

It’s a special read when a student offers you a book of poems written by his cousin.  Roads by Joe Spece is a series of short poems that provide great imagery on the journeys of others. The exploration of the various “roads” of the human experience, from renowned authors/poets such as Bronte, Dickinson, Woolf, Faulkner, Melville to characters from Greek mythology, Spece writes in short stanzas to convey his impressions of the journeys.  I happened to find a Youtube video that explains his approach to poetry – take a look:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b33SXGQBA-4. And to think he writes these reflections in one ten-to-fifteen-minute sitting.  This much talent should not be given to one person….  Writing is an art and I have so much admiration for poets.  The book is only 80+ pages long but should be read with multiple breaks to truly enjoy the mastery of his work.  Thanks to Tom for sharing this special read.

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