Saturday, September 27, 2014


I feel hungry after reading Michael Pollan’s book Cooked.  This is my second read of an RA Favorite from Pollan.  Yes, I have met Michael through his father, Stephen, whom I call my coach and inspiring wise mentor!  Knowing Michael was always a writer/journalist, but jumped into the “food scene” just about a decade ago, is astonishing as he seems to be the guru of all things cooking.  In this book, rather than going out to find his meal like he did in his first book, Omnivoure’s Dilemma, Pollan decides to learn how to cook his meals.  What a great idea, especially for someone who is not a cook.  Pollan explores the four classic elements of cooking: fire, water, air, and earth.  Each section gives a “deep-dive” providing in depth learning from experts (some known, most not to the general public) who take Pollan in to share their learnings.  From the hog pit in the Carolinas, to Europe to bake breads, to the caves where shark lay months in fermented state, and brewing beer with his son in their basement, Pollan takes the reader every step of the way, sharing recipes and hints about preparing foods (and drinks) through lessons shared by the teachers.  He has done his homework in presenting the main ways to prepare food and done so in a way that includes his family, and a few times his community.  I love the historical perspectives that Pollan shares throughout the book.  The reader learns how to improve their skills and the importance of people preparing their own foods, rather than the processed foods made to accommodate our hectic lifestyles.  Read those ingredient panels on the side of foods in the supermarket.  Pollan is at the top of his game once again.  I was able to listen to this one, a great suggestion should you want to make the food as you listen.  I was slightly grossed out by much of the fermentation section of the book. I’ll pass on the sauerkraut!  Foodies, this is your heaven!  Stephen Pollan, you never surprise me as a father…. giving your son a pet pig to raise in a NYC apartment?? Love it!  For those who want to hear about the present Stephen sent me for my apartment, let’s chat!  A great investigative read on a topic everyone needs to know about… food!  Highly recommend!

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