Monday, November 1, 2010

City of Joy

I enjoyed the book I have been reading, City of Joy, a novel written by Dominique Lapierre.  The story centers on the trials and tribulations of a young priest, Stephan Kovalsk.  Kovalsk moves to Calcutta, India and tries desperately to understand the life of the people who occupy the slum area.  Kovalski befriends Hasari Pal, and his family.  Hasari is a rickshaw puller and is forced to make decisions against the establishment, whom he works.

Kovalski and Hasari develop a strong bond, so much so that they face the strong hold owner of the slums.  It is Kovalski, who helps the City of Joy (the rescue hospital/shelter) through his work as a priest and optimistic motivator of the people.  He provides strength and a spirit of hope among the people that they will no longer be exploited to have to face the fate that would have challenged them.  The rest of the “slum dwellers” are equally as ignored and exploited by their society with many in the community with leprosy and other afflictions. The book shares a real view of the despair and degradation of the community.  The end of the story, with some hope for Hasari and his family, leaves the reader feeling some sense of hope for the community as well.   Nice to learn that this is based on a true story!  Yes true.  Strong read, highly encourage and if you feel like donating to the worthy cause of City of Joy, see: 

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